Deborah, private guide for Unique Tours Factory

I’ve been living in Milan for 30 years, but I’m originally from Scotland. I’ve always loved and been fascinated by Italy. I went to Florence as part of my French and Italian degree, where I met Milanese husband and I moved to Milan straight after my studies. I decided to become a professional tour guide because of my passion for art and history. I love showing people around Milan and sharing the Da Vinci’s Last Supper, the Duomo Cathedral, Portinari Chapel (hidden gem) and the canals, as well as the restaurants and nightlife. The ultimate job satisfaction? When people enjoy themselves and discover the “real” Milan beyond the sometimes austere, elegant facade. When I’m not giving tours, I like swimming, socializing, people watching, clothes and fashion. I’m also a big fan of films and TV series especially Sex & the City!

Deborah lives in :
Milan, Italy
Italien/Italian, Français/French, Anglais/English