Norie, private guide for Unique Tours Factory

Dutch born, I lived in Haarlem until the age of 19, then I moved to Amsterdam to study art history. During my studies I did an Erasmus exchange program and studied in Florence for a few months. I graduated in 1997 in Amsterdam but I had fallen in love with Florence so I decided to come back in 2001 thanks to a research scholarship from the Dutch University Institute of Art in Florence. In 2005, I married a Florentine and started my tour guide career. I enjoy being an art historian and I believe that as a tour guide, one has to know less about art history, but much more about every aspect of this city such as gastronomy, fashion, and music. So combining the two professions is ideal! I love mixing art with other disciplines of culture and seeing people enjoy themselves. The walking tour combined with literature and Italian gastronomy is one of my favorites!

Norie lives in :
Florence, Italy
Néerlandais/Dutch, Italien/Italian, Anglais/English