Fabienne, private guide for Unique Tours Factory

Originally from an artisan family in Provence, then former globe-trotter and fashion designer specialized in hats and accessories, I finally and definitively settled in Paris, my adoption city, which spells on me since childhood. Passionate about art, culture and cinema, I decided to create a unique concept of guided tours in Paris, following in the footsteps of Parisian artists who have shaped the city's history. As an omniscient narrator, I plunge my audience back in time: my tours allow curious visitors to see Paris from an artistic angle to feel the magnetism that the French capital and its different neighborhoods have breathed within painters, singers, actors, writers, photographers, designers and musicians who have lived there and still live on in their city's memory. Because Paris is more than the Louvre or the Eiffel Tower. Paris is also small cafés, squares, old cobblestones, gardens and many other places, all impregnated with a historical past that left a vintage and creative atmosphere in every corner of the city - and whose contemporary artists are inspired to design the trends of tomorrow. From Coco Chanel to Yves Saint Laurent, through Serge Gainsbourg, Jean Cocteau, Ernest Hemingway, Pablo Picasso and Van Gogh, let me show you the historical and magical Paris in a chic decor full of anecdotes. PS : my tours could be guided by Sara, Elodie, Godo, Barbara or myself.

Fabienne lives in :
paris, France
Français/French, Anglais/English